Union Insurance Company Limited
  • Inauguration Ceremony
  • Instant Motor Claim Settlement
  • Handing over motor claim cheque

Services We Provide

Engineering Insurance
Motor Insurance
Marine Insurance
Miscellaneous nsurance
Fire Insurance
Value Added Services
Claims Documents (For addition/Rectification)


01. Original claim intimation Letter.
02. Copy of G.D.E/F.I.R with original seal and signed by the concerned police station.
03. 03 estimates of repair from 03 reputed Workshop / Repairers.
04. Photocopies of Registration, Fitness, Tax Token Certificate & Route permit duly attested by B.R.T.A/Bank. 
05. Driver’s written statement duly countersigned by the Bank.
06. Photocopy of Driving License duly attested by B.R.T.A.
07. Enclosed Motor Claim Form duly filled in, sealed and signed by you  
08. 3 copies colour photograph showing registration number
09. Recovery Position for the liable Party.  (if any)
10. Copy of Purchase Documents
01. Original Claim Intimation letter
02. Claim Form duly filled in & signed by you and concerned Bank.
03. Original G.D.E/F.I.R. copy duly sealed and signed by the concerned Police Station.
04. Written statement of the Manager about the incident duly countersigned by you and concerned 
05. Eyewitness statements about the incident.
06. Local Ward Commisioner Certificate/Union Parishad Charmen Certificate.
07. Claim bill showing the loss in details mentioning itemwise Quantity, rate and value duly 
countersigned by you and concerned Bank.
08. Purchase / Import documents and warranty card/valid documents of the damaged items.
09. Stock register for the last 06 (six) months before the date of loss
10. Valid documents regarding Electric Connection/Installation of the Factory from the Competent 
11. Periodic test report of Electric Panel Board and Line of the Factory from Competent Authority.
12. Electric Bills for the last 6 months.
13. Approval letter from competent authority in case of captive power producer
14. Trade Licence.
15. Fire Licence of the Insured Premises.
16. Original Fire Brigade Report.
17. Layout plan of the Industry/Factory premises.
01. Original Marine Policy
02. Original Invoice.
03. Original Bill of Lading.
04. Original Packing List.
05. Original Challan of Cargo Carrier from Port to your premises
06. Copy of Letter of Credit (L/C) duly attested by the concerned Bank.
07. Claim Bill in Triplicate mentioning itemize value
08. Copy of Bill of Entry / Assessment Notice.
09. Original Survey Report
10. Pre Shipment Inspection Report
11. Copy of the Port Damage Register about your Cargo duly attested by the Port Authority 
12. What steps are taken by you against carrier or liable party regarding recovery the loss.